Corporate Quitter #8

Dealing With F*ck Ups, Decluttering & December Do's/Don'ts

Hey y’all,

It’s Gabby from Corporate Quitter 👋

Greetings from the Big Apple and Happy Winter Solstice ❄️

I’m back in New York for a few weeks for the holiday season and to do some final buttoning up this year as I prepare for 2024.

As I’ve been doing my end-of-year reflections, it dawned on me that despite all the detours, mental health spirals, and legit changing my business model 3 times (lol), I still managed to create recurring income every month and travel often.

(more on the $$$ stuff in January when I do a FULL deep dive)

A large part of the reason I couldn’t see what I had created was because I was still stuck in the story of my past f*ck ups.

Instead of acknowledging that:

1) I overcame the hurdle that was thrown my way, and

2) I gained SO much wisdom and important skills/knowledge from the experience

I was just so damn fixated on the fact that the f*ck up happened in the first place.

“I must not be smart or capable enough if THAT happened”


If there’s anything I’ve learned these past 3 years of being an entrepreneur, and what finally clicked into place for me this past month, is that I was “assigned” these “mountains” to show others that they can be moved.

And when I frame my negative experiences as such, it takes the pressure off.

I was MEANT to go through what I went through.

I actually wouldn’t be doing a podcast, creating content, and writing my book if I hadn’t.

Like DUH. Of course, it was supposed to happen.

We all experience suffering, so use your suffering to save others.

What hardship have you been “assigned to” in this life that you can help others with? Has this reframe changed your perspective?

This week, we’re covering:

⚙️ Tools & Tips: Digital Decluttering

🤖 ChatGPT: Prompt Of The Week

🎧 CQ Podcast: The Difference Between Reason and Making Excuses

🤳 Creator Corner: How I’m Decluttering My Brain & Planning My Content


As the end of another year approaches, the digital clutter can be overwhelming AF.

I’m doing a lot of sprucing up digitally to start the new year with a clean slate, and here’s how you can too:

1️⃣ Go through your desktop and downloads folder and organize or delete files (AND empty your trash)

2️⃣ Unsubscribe from emails you never read (be honest)

3️⃣ Remove subscriptions you no longer use (better yet, find a free or cheaper alternative)

4️⃣ Delete unused Apps

5️⃣ Uninstall that game you played once (maybe this is just for me lol)

After, give yourself a little treat to celebrate for doing the damn thing 🍪


Since we’re on the topic of decluttering, I wanted to leverage technology to help make decluttering on a physical level easier.

I’m a big advocate for feng shui and have found that the more organized and tidy my space is, the more it reflects in other areas of my life too.

Excess possessions that you don't need or love can create stagnant or stuck energy. The same goes for dirt and dust.

Over the next week, I’ll be emptying every drawer and closet and reorganizing (especially in anticipation of my move next year).

Feel free to use the same prompt but for different categories in your life that need decluttering (finances, exercise, time spent with friends, etc)

Prompt of the Week:

ChatGPT Prompt:
Write me a list of how to prioritize and decide how to clean and declutter my apartment


As I reflect on this past year and set the foundation for 2024, part of that is acknowledging what I did or didn’t achieve this year, and WHY.

Did I not achieve what I set out to do this year because of legitimate reasons or excuses?

I gave myself a get-out-jail-free card the past few years as I was in heavy building mode, but now that I replaced my corporate income, am in flow when it comes to my clients and offerings, and I’m stable across multiple areas of life, sprucing up my overall systems in life, plus my budget and the way money flows in and out of my business, is important to me (you can read more about that in last weeks newsletter).

As James Clear brilliantly states:

Are your systems supporting or sabotaging you? 

And what the hell is the difference between a reason and an excuse?!

On this week’s episode, I talk about the key differences between a reason and an excuse, what to look out for when making decisions, and how you can determine if you’re self-sabotaging yourself 🫣

Are you making excuses for why this year wasn’t what you thought it’d be? Or do you have legitimate reasons? What systems are you setting up now for next year?


Another way that I’m decluttering and preparing for next year is by attempting to plan my content.

This is actually REALLY hard for me to do because I rely so much on my intuition to guide me in my creation process (and often that looks like the idea plopping into my brain in the morning and posting the same day).

Here’s how I’m planning ahead, and how you can too:

1️⃣ Consider your topics and values

Before you even get into creating content consider this: What do you actually give a sh*t about? Be honest.

And also, what do people come to you for?

What is your audience looking for, and how best can you provide the answer to them?

2️⃣ Brain dump all your ideas in one document

I like using my iPad or Note on my Mac so I can copy+paste for future use, but feel free to use whatever medium works best.

Set a timer for 2 minutes and just DUMP every possible idea you have for content.

After, put on your favorite song and dance a little. If you can’t do that, just shake your hands for 15-20 seconds.

Don’t skip this step. Yes, this is important. It’ll help you move your energy and calm the nervous system to its neutral state (thus managing stress levels and imposter syndrome that creep up in the body during this exercise).

Set a timer for another 2 minutes and dump everything that’s left in your brain.

3️⃣ Brainstorm some more ideas by conducting market research (see what your competitors are doing and put your spin on it!)

You can search Google, but I really like Pinterest and Instagram best. I just went through this exercise with a client - We searched for ‘Dating Coach’ on Instagram and popped around different profiles to see what others were doing.

Sometimes this is REALLY helpful when you’re stuck in your head about what to create. We like to overcomplicate things as humans 🤡

4️⃣ Use a content calendar to visually see what’s being posted when, and if I know it’s done or not

I use a combination of Trello (Podcast only) and Notion (everything else) to keep myself organized. Here’s what my content calendar in Notion looks like:

⭕️ = not ready = ready 🎥 = webinar 🎧 = podcast 🗞️ = newsletter

If you want my Notion content calendar template, reply to this email!

5️⃣ OPTIONAL: Sign up for a platform like Later to auto-post for you

I don’t know if I’ll do auto-posting because sometimes the content can turn up wonky (at least that was my past experience). But I’m highly considering it!

Thanks for reading!

Gabby 🤘

This communication is not intended as business counsel. It serves as a weekly briefing on entrepreneurship and my initiatives, designed for informational and entertainment purposes. Revenue may be generated through sponsorships, affiliate links, and digital product sal